
Philipp Schulte


Attorney, Business Mediator



Philipp Schulte is a lawyer at Littler in Hamburg. He advises on individual and collective employment law issues with a focus on international employment law. A passionate sportsman, he is persistent and ambitious in his commitment to his clients. With his balancing manner, he helps to de-escalate conflicts and achieve sustainable solutions in employment law.

Languages: German, English

Focal Points

  • Individual employment law

  • Co-determination rights and collective bargaining law

  • Separation procedures under employment law

  • Advising US companies


  • Legal traineeship with vangard|Littler in Hamburg, the Hamburg Labor Court and the think tank "Digital Labor Society" of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Berlin

  • Research assistant in the employment law practice group at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg


  • Second state law examination at the Higher Regional Court of Celle, 2021

  • First state law examination at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, 2019

  • Law studies at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Tulane University in New Orleans, USA

Articles and entries