
Dr. Ferdinand Hultzsch

Senior Associate

Certified Employment Law Specialist



Reaching the goal with far-sightedness and endurance: This is the credo of Dr. Ferdinand Hultzsch, an attorney at Littler in Düsseldorf. With empathy, composure and a great deal of patience, he advises his clients within his main areas activity, which include the rights of termination and occupational co-determination rights. In addition to technical expertise, time, perseverance and the right amount of pressure are also required in order to achieve a result that satisfies all parties. And this in turn requires flexibility and different perspectives – just like with his hobby, photography.

Languages: German, English

Focal Points

  • Individual employment law

  • Contract drafting and review

  • Working time and remuneration models

  • Dismissals/Terminations

  • Works council and co-determination rights


  • Certified Employment Law Specialist since 2023

  • Admitted to the bar in Düsseldorf, 2019

  • Legal traineeship, e.g. at Bird & Bird, Düsseldorf and Ernst & Linder, New York

  • Research associate employment law at Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf


  • Awarded Doctorate in Law by the Ruprechts-Karls-University Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffels)

  • Second state legal examination in Düsseldorf

  • Legal traineeship at the district court Wuppertal

  • First state legal examination in Heidelberg

  • Studied law at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and University of Bergen, Norway


  • Arbeit auf Abruf nach der Novellierung des § 12 TzBfG, NZA 2020, 977 (Aufsatz), gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Stoffels

  • Nullstundenverträge - Grenzen arbeitsvertraglicher Flexibilisierungsmöglichkeiten im Hinblick auf Lage und Dauer der Arbeitszeit, (Dissertation)

Dr. Ferdinand Hultzsch is a lecturer on employment law at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne.

Dr. Ferdinand Hultzsch is one of the »Best Lawyers in Germany« in the area of employment law

Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers, 2023

Articles and entries