Establishment of informal and alternative employee representations
Dr. Stefan Röhrborn explains how the establishment of informal and alternative employee representation can contribute to fostering a positive relationship between company management and the workforce.
Works councils are often perceived as obstacles, both by companies and by the workforce. One reason for this: the rigid requirements of the Works Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz). These guidelines do not adequately reflect the operational reality in modern companies with their often complex and corporate structures. The result is unclear responsibilities and cumbersome decision-making processes.
The solution: informal employee representation
These problems can be solved by setting up an informal employee representation. Its considerably simpler structure enables faster, more transparent and cost-effective decision-making processes.
What exactly is important when setting up alternative employee representation in your company and how the operational cooperation can be organized in detail, depends on your specific circumstances. We are happy to support you. Contact us now.
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