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Sevdegül Akdeniz
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Michael Employment & Labor Law Day 07.11.2024 in Berlin
Michael Less red tape, more opportunity: BEG IV and its effect on employers
Michael Overtime Pay for Part-Time Workers: Legal Clarity from Germany's Highest Labor Court
Michael Littler’s 2024 European Employer Survey Report
Michael Heads Up Arbeitsrecht. 15 Minutes.
Michael Wind of Change - Are medical sick leave certificates still untouchable?
Michael Summer party in Munich 18.07.2024
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Michael Conclusion of employment contracts by e-mail in future? - Back to the future
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Michael Mediation for resolving conflicts in negotiations
Michael Digitalization in recruitment: Works councils must also accept digital application documents in future
Michael EU Parliament votes in favor of the European Supply Chain Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
Michael Company pension scheme for restructuring measures
Michael Successful negotiation in restructuring processes
Michael vangard spricht - über den Gesundheitssektor
Michael A Soccer match lasts 90 minutes and the maximum daily working time is eight hours - or is it? Exceptions to the Working Hours Act during the European Football Championship 2024
Michael Establishment of informal and alternative employee representations
Michael International restructuring projects
Michael New Act in Germany: Payment of severance payments for employers made easier
Michael AI & labor law
Michael Roll reverse for the CSDDD - the European Supply Chain Directive is coming after all, isn't it?
Michael Pregnant women, severely disabled persons, and who else you should not dismiss as an employer
Michael Incentivization in private equity companies
Michael European AI Act - EU Parliament adopts world's first multinational regulation of artificial intelligence
Michael Automated document creation in the context of restructuring
Michael Creative design of operating structures
Michael The Legal 500 Germany - positive resonance for vangard | Littler
Michael The Legal 500 Germany - positive ranking for vangard | Littler
Michael Global employment law advice from a single source
Michael vangard spricht – über Streiks (Teil 2)
Michael Does the works council have a say when employees use ChatGPT? NO, according to the Labour Court Hamburg!
Michael vangard spricht – über Streiks (Teil 1)
Michael vangard spricht – über NDAs - Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen
Michael Der IEL kürt Littler zur ›European Law Firm of the Year‹
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Tag des Arbeitsrechts (Teil 4)
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Tag des Arbeitsrechts (Teil 3)
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Tag des Arbeitsrechts (Teil 2)
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Tag des Arbeitsrechts (Teil 1)
Michael Bericht zum Littler 2023 European Employer Survey
Michael Dismissals: how employers can minimize financial risks
Michael vangard | Littler is one of 'Germany's Best Employers for Lawyers 2023/24
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Run for Talents (Teil 3)
Michael Who’s Who Legal 2023
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Run for Talents (Teil 2)
Michael vangard spricht! Spezial: Run for Talents (Teil 1)
Michael Position paper of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency: what could the reform of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) look like?
Michael Skilled labour shortage - creative solutions
Michael EU Commission issues an adequacy decision for the US
Michael Short-time work allowance - new framework conditions as of July 2023
Michael (More) inclusion through higher compensatory levies? The Inclusion Act is coming!
Michael Best Lawyers 2024
Michael vangard spricht – über Stakeholder-Management in Restrukturierungen
Michael The Whistleblower Protection Act is (almost) here!
Michael The ›Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework‹ - Finally a legally secure data transfer to the USA?
Michael vangard | Littler ist Top Kanzlei Arbeitsrecht 2023
Michael BMAS: Surprising regulations in the draft bill on working time recording
Michael The "shut down" for data processing in the employment relationship or much ado about nothing?
Michael vangard | Littler – Becoming a carbon neutral law firm
Michael The Legal 500 Germany - again positive ranking for vangard | Littler
Michael German Federal Labor Court on Equal Pay: Negotiating Skills Are no Justification for Unequal Pay
Michael Update: Business and Human Rights also for small companies
Michael "Pension contributions instead of severance pay"
Michael vangard spricht - über Alkohol und Drogen am Arbeitsplatz
Michael The skilled worker booster is to come
Michael Market Intelligence Labour & Employment - Germany
Michael New partners for the new fiscal year
Michael What needs to be considered when hiring talent via an employer of record across Europe?
Michael Federal Labor Court on the Game's Rules for Recording Working Time in Germany
Michael vangard spricht - über Alter(n)sgerechtes Arbeiten
Michael The electronic certificate of incapacity to work is coming
Michael Littler: The Employer's Guide to Europe's Inflation
Michael vangard spricht - über Global Mobile Work und Workation
Michael "vangard | Littler is one of the most dynamic units in the market".
Michael The Littler 2022 European Employer Survey Report
Michael Littler opens first office in Switzerland
Michael vangard spricht - über LGBTQIA+
Michael Terminating an apprentice
Michael Diamonds are created under pressure?
Michael International data transfer of HR data in group companies
Michael Cooperation with WhistleB
Michael Virtual Conciliation Board - Not permanent
Michael Cryptocurrency as a compensation component - part 2
Michael Cryptocurrency as a compensation component
Michael BAG sees comprehensive obligation to record working hours
Michael Cost explosion in the post-contractual non-competition clause
Michael Obligation to supply in the mass discharge procedure
Michael Labor law instruments to combat the shortage of skilled workers
Michael Effective mass dismissal notice according to § 17 KSchG
Michael Dismissal of severely disabled employees
Michael FAQ on vacation law (part 3)
Michael New legal regulations for the adjustment of employment contracts
Michael FAQ on vacation law (Part 2)
Michael Draft law on the adjustment of employment contracts
Michael FAQ on vacation law (Part 1)
Michael The strict written form as a brake on digitization
Michael Written form also for very short employment contracts
Michael vangard spricht - über Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (2)
Michael Supply chain due diligence law in the protective mask case
Michael BAG on the burden of proof for overtime pay
Michael Second draft law on whistleblower protection
Michael Termination without notice due to public disclosure of case files
Michael Employer subsidy for deferred compensation
Michael vangard spricht – über Wirtschaftsmediation (2)
Michael The new § 79a BetrVG - Support obligations of the works council
Michael Request for information and copies according to Art. 15 DSGVO
Michael vangard spricht - über den Berufseinstieg
Michael No "best before" date for bEM
Michael Limitation of social plan compensation and lawsuit waiver premium
Michael German Federal Cabinet approves bill to increase the minimum wage
Michael Electronic working time recording
Michael vangard spricht - über Outplacement
Michael Video negotiations in the labor court process
Michael Facility-based mandatory vaccination
Michael Trusted leave put to the test
Michael Company route in the home office
Michael The EC's proposals on digital work platforms
Michael Plans for mobile working
Michael Sick leave - a criminal risk
Michael Development of the legal situation regarding the virtual conciliation body
Michael Stay-on-Board - Temporary "time out" for members of governing bodies
Michael News on the bEM: Confidant
Michael 3G at work
Michael Electronic signatures for fixed-term employment contracts
Michael Labor law in the coalition agreement
Michael Resignation from office and termination of contract untimely
Michael vangard spricht - über das Für und Wider von Betriebsräten
Michael New stumbling blocks in mass dismissal law
Michael Works council elections 2022
Michael EU Whistleblowing Directive
Michael vangard spricht - über vier Jahre metoo – eine Abrechnung
Michael Sexual harassment in the workplace
Michael Climate-conscious use of hybrid service vehicles
Michael vangard spricht - über das Büro der Zukunft
Michael Corona quarantine is also a vacation
Michael Get vaccinated, please
Michael Termination options for mask refusers
Michael vangard spricht - über New Culture
Michael EU Directive Proposal on Remuneration Transparency Act
Michael vangard spricht - über International Recruiting
Michael International Recruiting
Michael No changes to fixed-term employment law for the time being
Michael News on the recording of working time
Michael vangard spricht - über Ehrenamt
Michael Draft bill for the Betriebsrätemodernisierungsgesetz (Company Modernization Act)
Michael vangard spricht - über Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz
Michael See you at the Labor Conciliation Board!
Michael The great advantages of business mediation
Michael vangard spricht - über Wirtschaftsmediation
Michael On-call duty or standby duty
Michael Pension claims in the purchase of a company
Michael Labor law status of courier drivers
Michael First draft of the Whistleblower Protection Act
Michael Board of Directors, Entrepreneur and Business Mediation
Michael Supply Chain Act - Business and Human Rights
Michael BAG decision on equal pay
Michael Employment law in professional sports: fixed-term contracts
Michael vangard spricht - über Nachhaltigkeit in der Arbeitswelt
Michael vangard spricht - über mentale Gesundheit im Arbeitsleben
Michael Challenges for work practice in the pandemic
Michael Home office regulation according to the Corona Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance
Michael Crowdworker: self-employed or employee
Michael Introduction or extension of short-time work?
Michael The end of the virtual reconciliation committee
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Michael Borß
+49 40-554 34 56-0
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