
Dr. Philipp Melle





At Littler in Munich, Dr. Philipp Melle primarily advises in the specialist areas of individual employment law, service contract law, collective bargaining law and at the interface with social security law. Even in challenging situations, the passionate endurance athlete and mountaineer retains an overview and finds pragmatic solutions for his clients.

Languages: German, English

Focal Points

  • Individual employment law

  • Service contract law

  • Collective bargaining law

  • Social legislation


  • Lawyer at Campbell Hörmann PartG mbB, 2023

  • Lawyer at ADVANT Beiten, 2021 - 2023

  • Legal advisor to the Bayerischer Jugendring (Bavarian Youth Council/BJR), 2018 - 2021

  • Research assistant, Zentrum für Arbeitsbeziehungen und Arbeitsrecht (Center for Labor Relations and Labor Law), 2016 - 2018

  • Research assistant, Gleiss Lutz, 2016


  • Doctorate at the LMU Munich, 2022

  • Second state law examination, 2018

  • First legal examination, 2016

  • Degree and legal clerkship in Munich

  • Qualification as a management assistant in sports and fitness (CCI), 2010


  • Ausnahmsweise Mindestlohn? – Das MiLoG und die Praktikanten (The minimum wage as an exception? - The Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG) and the interns), NZA 2014, 942-947 [with Christian Picker].

  • Examination in labor law: Die Zeiten ändern sich (Times are changing), JA 2015, 497-507 [with Clemens Latzel].

  • Mindestlohnaussetzer für Bau, Dachdecker und Gebäudereiniger (Exceptions to the minimum wage for construction workers, roofers and cleaners), NZA 2018, 273-276 [with Volker Rieble].

  • Sozialversicherungspflicht von Übungsleitern und anderen Pädagogen (Social security obligation for training instructors and other educators), WzS 2019, 279-283 [with Anna Bergmayr].

  • EU-Richtlinie zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben – Anpassungsbedarf bei flexiblen Arbeitsbedingungen und noch mehr? (EU directive on work-life balance - adaptation required for flexible working conditions and more?), SPA 2019, 141-143.

  • Das Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz – Verbot von Fremdpersonal in der Fleischwirtschaft und noch vieles mehr (The occupational safety and health control law - prohibition of external personnel in the meat industry and much more), SPA 2021, 25-26.

  • Verträge mit Dozenten und Trainern: Praktische Tipps zur Vermeidung von Scheinselbständigkeit (Contracts with lecturers and trainers: Practical tips for avoiding pseudo self-employment), SPA 2021, 157-159.

  • Unfallversicherungsschutz im Homeoffice und Mobile Office – Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick (Accident insurance cover when working from home and in a mobile office - review and outlook), SPA 2022, 89-91.

  • Unterschiede im (arbeits)rechtlichen Schutz von Erwerbstätigen (Differences in the (labor) law protection of gainfully employed persons), 2023, Nomos [dissertation].

  • Attraktive Vergütungspakete machen den Unterschied (Attractive remuneration packages make the difference), Sozialwirtschaft, 2023/4, 26-28 [with Patrick Fischer].